In 1952, in the quiet, sleepy hamlet of Jupiter, Florida, a troupe of human "curiosities" has just arrived in town, coinciding with the strange emergence of a dark entity that savagely threatens the lives of townsfolk and freaks alike.
S4 E1: Monsters Among Us
S4 E2: Massacres and Matinees
S4 E3: Edward Mordrake (1)
S4 E4: Edward Mordrake (2)
S4 E5: Pink Cupcakes
S4 E6: Bullseye
S4 E7: Test of Strength
S4 E8: Blood Bath
S4 E9: Tupperware Party Massacre
S4 E10: Orphans
S4 E11: Magical Thinking
S4 E12: Show Stoppers
S4 E13: Curtain Call