S12 E1: Treehouse of Horror XI
S12 E2: A Tale of Two Springfields
S12 E3: Insane Clown Poppy
S12 E4: Lisa the Tree Hugger
S12 E5: Homer vs. Dignity
S12 E6: The Computer Wore Menace Shoes
S12 E7: The Great Money Caper
S12 E8: Skinner's Sense of Snow
S12 E11: Worst Episode Ever
S12 E12: Tennis the Menace
S12 E13: Day of the Jackanapes
S12 E14: New Kids on the Blecch
S12 E15: Hungry Hungry Homer
S12 E18: Trilogy of Error
S12 E19: I'm Goin' to Praiseland
S12 E20: Children of a Lesser Clod
S12 E21: Simpsons Tall Tales