Following the dramatic events of season 1, Team Flash quickly turns their attention to a threat high above Central City. Armed with the heart of a hero and the ability to move at super speeds, will Barry be able to save his city from impending doom?
S2 E1: The Man Who Saved Central City
S2 E2: Flash of Two Worlds
S2 E3: Family of Rogues
S2 E4: The Fury of Firestorm
S2 E5: The Darkness and the Light
S2 E6: Enter Zoom
S2 E7: Gorilla Warfare
S2 E8: Legends of Today (I)
S2 E9: Running to Stand Still
S2 E10: Potential Energy
S2 E11: The Reverse-Flash Returns
S2 E12: Fast Lane
S2 E13: Welcome to Earth-2
S2 E14: Escape from Earth-2
S2 E15: King Shark
S2 E16: Trajectory
S2 E17: Flash Back
S2 E18: Versus Zoom
S2 E19: Back to Normal
S2 E20: Rupture
S2 E21: The Runaway Dinosaur
S2 E22: Invincible
S2 E23: The Race of His Life